How to Identify Original Hand-Knotted Rugs

Home is the place which is the closest to your heart and to make your heart beautiful you spent a lot of time and effort. Home décor items have a special place as they add elegance and beauty to your home. In this line, Rugs stands first. These beautifully designed rugs make your adobe attractive. Rugs can be hand-made or machine-made. Rugs made by machines are usually without flaws but the ones that are man-made have their own beauty and uniqueness. They are an unmatchable piece of art that gives a special touch to your home.
While going shopping it becomes very difficult to identify the man-made and machine-made rugs. If you love man-made decors items then it becomes very difficult to identify the real from the fake. But there are certain factors that help in identifying the man-made carpets and rugs.
The Deciding Factors
1. Time involved:
First and foremost the rugs that are machine-made are made in no time. It takes very little time to create it with the use of raw materials. These raw materials are fed into machines to become the final product. Hand-made or knotted rugs are made using the handlooms with the use of hands. You need to have a lot of precision in creating the intricate and fine designs of the rugs. To create a bigger rug a bigger loom is needed. During the process, the weaver uses his craftsmanship to create unparalleled designs.
The time taken to create these rugs depends on the fact that how long these rugs are and complex the designs are. If the quality of the rugs is fine and the designs are intense then the time and the cost both increase. The knot count, intricacy of design, quality of the material and dyes are the factors that decide the cost of the rug that beautify your home. There is a lot of labor and hard work is involved in making these carpets that make it more special. Machine-made rugs may look fine with smooth finishing but it is the hand-made rugs that steal the show. Now you can easily make the purchase of your favorite hand-knotted rugs online.
2. Materials used:
Machine-made rugs are made by using synthetic fibers such as nylon, polyester, and artificial silk as they can withstand the power loom and there are chances of breakage. On the other hand natural fibers like wool, silk, jute, and cotton are used to make hand-knotted rugs.
Silk definitely adds glaze and rich look to the appearance of the carpet. If you want to add a sober look to your home then wool and cotton carpets would serve that purpose. Enhance the look of your adobe by adding carpets and rugs to your home décor list.
3. The back of the rugs:
You can witness a huge difference when you look at the back of the rugs that can make you identify the handmade and machine-made rugs. It can simplify your job when you are making the purchase as it is a vital point of difference. You just need to turn the rug and look at its back.
The hand-woven rugs are made with hand on a loom this is why the designs are the same in the front and at the back. It will have its mirror image at the back. Moreover, there will be no uniformity. The knots are not uneven at places and these rugs miss the uniformity. That is what makes it more unique. But if we look at the back of the machine-made rugs they are uniform at all places. These may also have a backing which makes it easy to identify.
4. Fringes in the rugs:
Looking at the fringes of the rugs can help you identify the man-made and machine-made rugs. In a manmade rug, it is made up of the warp thread that has rug foundation as the fringe; it is the place where the knot ends.
If we talk about machine-made fringes then it is the artificial ones that are attached to the ends of the rugs. This gives you a complete picture of how you should identify the man-made rugs and machine-made ones by just looking at the fringes. This comparison makes it easy for you to shop. Though the machine-made rugs may put a lesser burden on your pocket the handmade ones can last for a very long time when it comes to durability.
5. Durability:
A machine-made rug can last up to 15 to 20 years. This also depends on the quality of the fiber used. If these machine-made rugs are made of natural fibers like wool then also it can last for a long time but no guarantee can be given regarding it. On the other hand, the man-made rugs where natural fibers like cotton, jute, wool or silk are used can last for ages if taken proper care and maintained as per the instructions.
6. Color of the rugs:
If your rug is handmade then it is most probable that natural dyes have been used in it that are also called vegetable dyes. These vegetable dyes are extracted from natural things like plants and leaves so they are colorfast and do not bleed easily. This is why it is advisable not to wash or clean the rug with chemicals. In the machine-made rugs, synthetic colors have used that bleed faster as compared to the natural colors. So a lot of care has to be taken when it comes to maintaining and cleaning the rugs.
7. Cost of the rugs:
The cost of the rugs is the deciding factor that can give you a complete idea that you are spending on ma-made rugs or machine-made ones. The machine-made rugs are comparatively cheaper than the handmade ones. There is a lot of hard work involved when we talk about the rugs made with hands that involve a lot of time also. With all the positive attributes that a man-made rug offers the cost is definitely on a higher side. If you are fond of rich carpets and money is not the bar then Turkish carpets should be your ultimate destination as it is easily available. You just need to connect to the internet and buy Turkish carpets online in India.
How to maintain the Rugs?
Whether you are purchasing a manmade or a machine-made rug, both need proper maintenance. Some of the points to be taken into account are:
a. The rugs should be vacuum cleaner at regular intervals.
b. Try to clean the spills of food and liquid as soon as possible.
c. Do not clean the rug with detergent or any chemical.
d. Take the help of the professionals for cleaning the rugs as it can make your rugs more durable.