8 Things That a Vet Will Assess During A Feline Checkup

You should take your cat to the vet for a standard checkup regularly. As much as your cat might protest, it really is for the best. Vets typically don’t take long to perform routine tests, and it can save a huge amount of worry if you know about any issues early on.
Here are 8 things vets assess during a feline checkup.
1. Joints And Spine
Evidence of stiffness or limpness can indicate muscular problems or arthritis – especially in older cats. Decent vets will take time to physically check each limb to make sure that they are healthy. They will also take a quick look at your cat’s freedom of movement as it travels around the surgery room just to make sure there isn’t anything abnormal with their gait.
2. Under The Tail
Vets will typically check if any genital or urinary infections have beset your cat – as these can cause discomfort.
3. Dentistry
A cat’s teeth and gums are vulnerable to decay. The state of a feline’s gums can also indicate the general health of a cat and let a trained vet know about any dietary deficiencies your beloved moggy may have. Ulcers in and around the mouth can indicate more serious problems that need to be investigated further.
4. Eyes And Ears
Your vet will look for any tearing, redness or discharge from your cat’s eyes. Cloudiness will also be checked for, as this could indicate cataracts – especially in older cats. Your cat’s ears will also be checked for discharge and blockages.
5. The Heart
Feline hearts are just like ours: any palpitations or irregularities in their beat can indicate a serious problem. Any trip to your local vet with your cat should include a routine auscultation – or listening in – of the heart.
6. Coat And Skin
A cat’s fur coat and skin are very important indicators of any problems it may be having with wider health. Vets check for dandruff, excess oiliness, lumps and bald patches. These can indicate parasitic infestations, infections or dietary deficiencies. As a general rule of thumb, a healthy cat has a silky and consistent coat and relatively soft skin.
7. Muscle Tone
Healthy cats are muscular and well exercised. Cats that have poor muscle tone may be suffering from an illness or be living an unhealthily sedentary lifestyle. A good vet will make sure that your cat is well toned. If a cat is overly sedentary it may be at increased risk of cardiovascular illnesses. Vats will usually advise cat owners on whether to increase or decrease food intake based on muscle mass and weight.
8. Abdomen
Vets typically palpate a cat’s abdomen during a checkup. This is so that they can feel any abnormally swollen or hard organs.
As well as the actual size and state of the organs to the touch, the reaction of the cat to the palpation is also noted. If there is an abnormal degree of discomfort displayed then a good vet will investigate further. A cat’s bladder, kidneys, liver and intestines are all gently squeezed.