Gynecologists: When To See and What to Expect
This blog compiles up how a gynaecologist assists in maintaining the overall health in women in the long run. So, read on to know them.

A gynaecologist handles a myriad of problems in women health such as STIs, fertility issues, menstruation, childbirth, pregnancy and obstetrics and hormone disorders and so on. Almost every woman when experiences any abnormality related to the reproductive organs prefers visiting a gynaecologist over other doctors.
This blog compiles up how a gynaecologist assists in maintaining the overall health in women in the long run. So, read on to know them.
Who is a gynaecologist?
Gynaecologist is the medical expert who deals with the proper functioning of the organs of female reproductive system. Obstetrician is the part of gynaecologist that considers the treatment of childbirth and pregnancy.
Proper doctor training is needed with additional 4 year specialisation training in gynaecology and obstetrics to be a professional gynaecologist. Further examination will make them registered and certified and the right to offer the service to the mankind.
When is the right time to visit a gynaecologist?
A gynaecological visit is highly recommended when any woman deems for annual screening due to abnormality in vagina, vulvar and pelvic area along with abnormal bleeding in uterus.
Certain conditions mainly dealt by the gynaecologists are:
- STIs
- Sexual dysfunction
- Menopause, menstruation, fertility and pregnancy-related issues
- Pregnancy termination, sterilization, contraception and others including in family planning
- Polycystic ovary syndrome
- Issues in tissues supporting pelvic organs like muscles and ligaments
- Faecal and urinary incontinence
- Underlying reproductive tract conditions like vaginal and vulvar ulcers, breast disorders, fibroids, ovarian cysts and several other non-cancerous conditions
- Premalignant conditions like cervical dysplasia and endometrial hyperplasia
- Pregnancy-oriented tumours, breast and reproductive tract cancers
- Gynaecological emergency care
- Congenital female reproductive tract abnormalities
- Chronic issue affecting reproductive system, endometriosis
- Abscesses and other pelvic inflammatory diseases
- Sexuality including bisexual and same-sex relationship issues
Often gynaecologists also offer both general and gynaecological health care. In fact, preventive medicines are also offered for women in treatment and diagnosis of other issues like acne, mood changes, lower back pain and headache.
Treatments of the following are also provided by the gynaecologists:
- Osteoporosis
- Asthma
- Sexual assault and domestic violence
- Psychiatric condition like personality disorder and depression
- Hormonal problem and thyroid disorder
- Diabetes
- Cardiovascular disease
Lifestyle advice is regarded as a part of preventive medicine about certain problems like weight loss and smoking addiction.
In which age you can visit a gynaecologist?
Gynaecologist is qualified for treating any woman or girl irrespective of her age. As per medical expert, it is better for a girl to visit any gynaecologist since 13 years of age. This will let her to develop a relationship with gynaecologist.
It will be really beneficial in the later life as the girl will feel comfortable to raise her concerns regarding sexuality, menstruation and other related queries. Even the gynaecologist can come to know about the overall welfare of the woman easily allowing them to counsel on pivotal lifestyle and health issues.
What should be your expectation?
Basically, your individual condition and the cause you are going to see a gynaecologist will determine the happening at the clinic. In case it is going to be your very first visit as the young woman then only you will be able to expect a chat only. Also the gynaecologist will try to detect what is more likely to occur in future.
During visiting the gynaecologist, remember that:
- Honest account regarding lifestyle and health concerns is important to assist the gynaecologist for getting a clear idea about your present health status.
- Any gynaecological exam like Pap smear is uncomfortable but not painful at all.
- Shaving or waxing is not essential prior the visit
- Body odour is quite obvious. If it’s something bothering your much then you must inform your gynaecologist.
- During period, there is no need to cancel the appointment but if you feel annoyed you can reschedule it after some time.
- Vaginal douche or tampon usage should be avoided along any kind of sexual activity before gynaecological exam.
Patient can take someone along for the consultation either outside or inside the room.
Gynaecologist visit is highly recommended for everyone once in a year just for annual check up. The consultation procedure will comprise of the following:
- Advice, screening and evaluation
- Depending on risk factors and age, immunizations
- Physical exam including overall health assessment, inguinal lymph nodes, abdomen palpating, BMI and other warning signs
- Patient’s age for breast and pelvic examination
Urine or blood sample is needed for screening. Regular visit to any gynaecology clinic will assist you to maintain the healthy lifestyle by minimising the risks for the people of any age. Annual health assessments also consist of advice on intake of folic acid and calcium, immunization, monitoring in blood pressure, colonoscopy and mammography.
Common procedures
The certified and experienced gynaecologist will perform many surgical and diagnostic processes:
The diagnosis procedure includes:
- Ultrasound scanning
- Pap smear test
- A microscopic cervical exam, colposcopy
- Analysis of the sample from uterus lining, endometrial biopsy
- Uterus examination using an endoscope, hysteroscopy
The surgical procedure involves:
- Postoperative care for treating complications
- Major surgery like removal of fibroids from the uterus
- Minor surgery such as sterilisation
- Patient preparation for the surgery
- Laparoscopy, minimal incision abdominal surgery for surgery and diagnosis
Small bowel obstruction is another surgical condition included in the list as well. For any such concern, don’t delay and see a gynaecologist. If needed, then book an appointment as soon as possible for obtaining right treatment on time.