Importance of Drinking Water to Grow the Human Body
With all of the beverage choices we have today, you may be wondering if drinking pure water is necessary. You have probably heard other people say that drinking water is good for your health, but they fail to explain why. They leave you still wondering why your body needs water. By the time you finish reading this, you should have a better understanding.
Every single cell of the human body contains fluids. Approximately 70% of a person’s body weight is fluid weight.

Water accounts for 99% of all of the body’s fluids.
Water is needed for the conversion of fat and glucose to energy. This is referred to as your body’s metabolism. Thus, water is necessary for a healthy metabolism.
The amount of water you drink has quite an effect on your metabolism and your energy levels. Numerous studies have been conducted in order to advise athlete’s about appropriate fluid consumption.
Through perspiration and exhalation, athletes can easily experience a 5% drop in fluid levels, which is equivalent to 25-30% drop in energy. The brain is primarily responsible for the energy loss.
75% of the brain’s volume is water.
When a drop in fluids is sensed, the brain releases histamine, a compound you may be familiar with if you suffer from allergies.
Histamine makes you tired. The brain’s goal here is to encourage you to conserve. You might say that the brain thinks there is a drought. It kicks the body into water-conservation mode.

Digestion slows down. Fluids are pulled from the joints, the skin and other non-essential locations in order to keep the blood flowing until you find water.
83% of the blood’s volume is water.
Just a 2% reduction in bodily fluids results in mild symptoms of dehydration. Thirst, dry mouth, discomfort, dry skin and headache are common symptoms.
A 15% drop in bodily fluids leads to death.
Heat exhaustion is caused by a combination of high temperatures and lack of fluid intake. Perspiration is your body’s natural thermostat. Perspiration is released in order to cool the skin.
Sweat is composed primarily of water. It contains just a little salt, some trace minerals and a few other bio-chemicals that cause it to smell.
More than 99% of sweat is water.
Failure to drink enough water impairs your body’s ability to sweat. So, drinking water is necessary to regulate body temperature.
Scientists have estimated that 80% of the population fails to drink enough plain water and is suffering from a chronic state of mild dehydration. They arrived at this figure by reviewing surveys conducted by the USDA and other organizations to determine the nutritional status and overall health of the populous.
The scientists believe that the continuous mild dehydration is responsible for common health complaints like headaches, constipation, digestive disorders, heartburn, back pain and many others. They believe that common degenerative and age-related diseases are due to a buildup of toxins in the body.
You may have heard a lot about the benefits of detoxification or colon cleansing as it is sometimes referred to.
The idea was first introduced by the Ancient Greeks and Egyptians. In the early 20th century, scientists proved that the body is perfectly capable of removing toxins and cleansing itself.
All you really need to do to keep the processes running smoothly is to drink enough pure water. The kidneys and liver will clean all of the toxins out of your bloodstream as long as you give them the necessary tools; nourishment and water.

96% of the weight of the human liver is water.
The liver performs many functions for the human body. Its cells are easily damaged by the toxins it filters out. But, the organ is capable of regenerating.
The liver is important for weight maintenance. A healthy liver will convert fat into energy to be used by other cells of the body. If the cells don’t need the energy, the liver converts the energy into fat to be stored in specialized cells.
In addition to removing toxins and waste products from the body, the kidneys are responsible for regulating the blood’s water and salt content. The waste products are excreted into the urinary bladder.
If the toxin concentration in the urine is high, the toxins build up in the lining of the bladder, which can lead to bladder cancer. Research has shown that drinking more water may reduce a person’s risk of bladder cancer by diluting the toxins, allowing them to be excreted and preventing them from building up in the bladder.
Water is used to transmit nervous system signals throughout the body. Research indicates that neurological diseases may be caused or worsened by low intake of pure water.
If food is consumed without adequate water, the sugars and simple carbohydrates will be absorbed. The nutrients take longer to break down.
Water must be present in order for the nutrients to be dissolved and absorbed into the bloodstream. So, it is possible to get calories from food without getting nutrients.
Know How much water do you need to replace fluids lost during perspiration, urination and exhalation.
How much do you need to keep your liver and other bodily organs functioning efficiently? How much do you need to ensure that you get nutrients and not just calories from the foods that you eat?
Healthy adults need about 96 ounces per day.
You actually need more than that, but you get some of the fluids that you need by eating foods like juicy melons and grapes. If most of the foods that you eat are dry, you need to drink more water. Why water and not something else?
Soft drinks and other prepared beverages contain chemicals that the body cannot use. They put more stress on the kidneys and liver, actually increasing your need for pure water.

Many of the chemicals in bottled beverages are toxic.
In fact, research has shown that the cancer-causing chemical benzene is present in many soft drinks and juices. This has been known since at least 1990, but has yet to become public knowledge.
A commonly used synthetic preservative combines with vitamin C to produce the benzene. The concentration found in some soft drinks was 10 times higher than that allowed in drinking water.
Caffeinated and alcoholic beverages contribute to dehydration, because they are diuretics. They cause more fluids to be excreted from the body than they contain. If you drink either caffeinated or alcoholic beverages on a regular basis, you need even more water.96 ounces is just an estimate.
You could drink as much as 15 liters per day. Just remember that the purity of the water you drink is very important so you should use a best water filter or best water filter pitcher.