7 Creative E-commerce Marketing Strategies to Set Your Brand Apart

E-commerce facilitates the buying or selling of services and goods on the internet. The platform allows you to shop for multiple items using your tablet, computer, or phone from any location. Below is a list of creative marketing strategies that differentiate an e-commerce brand.
1. Free Shipping
Free shipping is a simple but effective strategy to attract more clients. Customers are usually motivated to add products to the shopping cart and complete the checkout process for those brands offering free shipping. You can set the minimum amount that clients should spend to qualify for free shipping. Notify your customers of the amount they need to pay and whether they’re missing out on free shipping. You may even recommend inexpensive products to your clients to add to their cart by taking advantage of the offer.
2. Experiment With Cross-Selling and Upselling
Upselling is effective if your e-commerce deals with more expensive and extensive products. You can also utilize cross-selling if the opposite is true, to improve your chances of success. Assess clients’ purchase data and product inventory to develop an effective cross-selling strategy. The approach gives you a better idea regarding those products that clients purchase together.
3. Request for Referrals and Reviews
Failure to ask for reviews leads to little social proof on your website. You can encourage your customers to post a review regarding the services and products you offer. One way to encourage your clients to refer your brand and its services or products or leave a review is by sending a follow-up email a few days after placing an order. You can also introduce your customers to a referral program that offers discounts.
4. Personalize Your Brand
Most clients tend to trust a brand once they’re familiar with faces that work hard behind the screen and scene. Customer testimonials allow you to humanize your brand, but communicating with your followers on a regular basis is equally important. Such actions resonate well with your target audience and show that you already care about their overall experience.
5. Encourage Clients to Create Wishlists
Wishlists are essential tools for the success of eCommerce marketing. Provide your target customers with the motivation to create them by sending subscribers an email whenever the items on their wishlist are on sale. You may also create special PROMO codes for those items to establish a sense of exclusivity. Leverage the wishlists’ full potential by making them shareable. The approach enables clients to share their wishlists on social media, attracting new website visitors and increasing brand awareness.
6. Optimize the Product Page for Search Engines
SEO is crucial for the success of digital marketing strategies. You must pay close attention to multiple aspects of web design to ensure the success of your e-commerce business. You can outsource help from a digital marketing agency to craft an effective SEO strategy. Include engaging meta descriptions, unique title tags, well-written product descriptions, and multiple product photos on your product pages to increase the chances of success.
7. Use Retargeting
Retargeting allows you to track the behavior of users visiting your site, allowing you to send ads while they’re surfing your website. The primary goal of this strategy is to make them visit your website more often. Users interested in a specific product are more likely to purchase the product later. Tailor your retargeting ads and display them on social media platforms to have the desired outcome.
The most effective e-commerce marketing strategies keep their target clients in mind and have clear goals. Utilize top marketing tools to enhance brand awareness and engage long-term and new clients.