5 Signs Your Child is Getting Bullied in the School

Schools and educational institutes in Singapore are progressive and advanced in every way. The efficiency and lenient national system create an atmosphere that is perfect for your child’s upbringing. However, some incidents take place under the nose of the authorities, and school bullying is one of them. Yes, this phenomenon is still common in many parts of the country. The increasing awareness about mental wellbeing has had a positive impact on people, but some children are too ignorant or young to understand. And your child might be a victim of potential bullies. 

School bullying is a disgusting yet prevalent incident in almost every country, Singapore being no exception to it. And if you are a working parent and so is your spouse, you might just get very limited time with your child to communicate. But this lack of communication can lead to serious consequences if the incidents in school keep haunting him. Most children do not open up about these conflicts out of fear or shame. You have to look out for possible signs and behavioural change in your ward to let him share his feelings. Here is a list of signs you can look out for! 

School bullying

Bullying has adverse and threatening effects on a child’s mental health. 

Warning Signs To Identify School Bullying Victims 

Parenting is a great responsibility, especially in the growth years of your child. You have to be the one to protect them against school bullying. It is something that can cause both physical, emotional and mental harm to your child. Before things go out of hand and stain his future, look out for these warning signs. 

1 Persistent Mood Swings And Behavioural Changes 

Children are unlikely to have constant mood swings unless they are in their adolescence period. If you see him get upset quickly, cry upon insignificant things, and not get excited about the things that used to make him happy, take notice. Also, observe the common behavioural changes, like:

  • Spending too much time on the computer if he used to play outdoors or not using it at all. If the former is the case, he is probably being bullied by his friends, and if the latter happens, it might be the case of cyberbullying. 
  • Not having confidence in himself and doubting his moves or saying that he would not be able to do anything. 
  • If he keeps losing his stuff and possessions in school, enquire about it. 
  • Displaying disinterest in social gatherings, like annual day, friends’ birthday parties, and so on. 

2 Declining Grades & Unwillingness To Go To School 

Most of the studious, frontbenchers and teachers’ favourite students pay the price of school bullying. If your child’s grade is going downhill and he is always unwilling to attend school, there is a problem. You must confront him and his teachers about it. And never scold your child for his declining grades, it can cause more harm to his confidence level. 

3 Exertion In Eating & Sleeping Patterns 

School bullying incidents keep haunting the victims. They often lose appetite and have trouble sleeping, given the thought of facing the bullies the next morning is devastating. If you see any of the two happenings, communicate with your ward. And for a change, try sleeping with him in his room. The warmth of a proactive parent will make him feel secure. 

4 Resisting From Playing Outdoors 

Children should play outdoors in their growth years. If your child does not like meeting his friends, going to the playground and keeps him locked up in the room, you must intervene. Talk to him and help him find the solution. 

5 Uncontrolled Aggression 

Some children may experience aggression episodes as a way of expressing their anguish against school bullying. They tend to throw things, yell at everyone, and run away from people around them. If your child is going through this phase, he might be a grave victim. 

Immediate Steps To Take To Guard Your Child 

Once you find an affirmative response to all these warning signs and your ward admits to being a victim of school bullying, you have to immediately. 

  • The first thing to do is seek counselling and help him overcome the adverse and sickening effect on his mental health. Professionals are available in numerous service centres in Singapore. Find the best one and take him through the counselling process successfully. 
  • Second, help him along the way and teach him the right ways to defend against such incidents. Although the counsellors will guide him on each step, your support is crucial. 
  • Take the matter to the school and complain to the authorities. If possible, confront the bullies’ parents too. 

School bullying can take a toll on a child’s upbringing, and in the worst scenarios, his career and future. Thankfully, you can utilise the professional help available in Singapore to combat the odds and save your child against all possible harms. Take a stand and help him in the healing process to get back to normal!