Wheel Balancing and Wheel Alignment Guide
The terms balancing and alignment are often heard in a gym. But outside of it what do these terms mean when talking about the tires of the cars?
Wheel balancing and alignment of a vehicle are two completely different things. These contribute towards a smoother ride. Balancing means maintaining the stability of the vehicle on the wheels. Whereas the alignment of a wheel means improving the angle of the tires. So that they move in the direction in which the driver is steering.
In this blog, we’ll discuss wheel balancing and wheel alignment in details. So that you understand their importance. Know what you need to do to keep your wheel perfectly aligned and balanced here.

Wheel Alignment:
Wheel alignment refers to correcting the angle of the wheel in accordance with the vehicle. Each car has some predefined angles. In this they enhance the overall driving experience. These alignments go through a variety of changes as per the driving period of the vehicle. The procedure includes the angles of the wheels to be at ninety degrees from the ground and in line with each other.
The alignment of the wheel depends upon three factors, caster, camber, and toe. If you’re at a loss as to what each of these terms means then worry not we’ll be discussing them as well. Caster means the angle viewed from the side of the vehicle. It either tilts inward or outward from the steering pivot access.
Camber is the angle viewed from the front of the vehicle. Toe is the direction of the tires in accordance with the vehicle.
Caster alignment is the factor that keeps the stability of the driving experience in check at higher speeds. It is the angle of the part of the suspension supporting the assembly of the wheel. This is also known as the steering axis. For this angle to be in the correct direction, a line between both upper and lower ball joints is made. It forms a vertical that defines the angle.
This angle is viewed from the front of the vehicle. This describes the inward tilt and outward tilt of the car. This alignment is responsible for enhancing the steering of the vehicle. If you drive rashly and take fast turns then your vehicle would need a negative camber. It would tilt the tires of the vehicle inwards. However, if your driving is mostly on straight roads or you take safer and slower turns then your car would need a positive camber alignment. This would turn the tires of the vehicle outwards.
Toe is the direction in which all the tires with respect to the center of the vehicle. It can also be identified as the difference in direction between the front and rear wheels. This alignment defines how your vehicle would move in a straight line.
Toe-in is the alignment of tires when the front tires of the car are more close to each other than the rear wheels. If the wheels are toed in too much then the tread on the tire will be more on the outer edges of the tires in a feathery manner. These treads can be easily felt by running hands through the edges of the tires.
Toe-out is the alignment of tires when the rear wheels are more close to each other than the front ones. If the wheels are toed out too much then the tread on the tire will be found more on the inner edges of the tires in a feathered manner. These treads can be easily felt by running hands through the edges of the tires.
Importance of Wheel Alignment:
Alignment of wheels impacts the overall performance of the driving experience, stability, and the ability of the steering wheel to return to its normal state. It also helps in reducing the wear on tires. This improves the performance of the car while taking a turn.
The misalignment of the wheel damages the suspension, steering, and brakes. It imposes stress on the systems. Thus it reduces their ability to perform at full capacity. One of the most important reasons why one should get proper wheel alignment of their vehicles is safety.
If the wear on the tires of the vehicle increases due to its misalignment then that means that along with the tires of the vehicle, the suspension, brakes, and steering are also downgrading gradually.
Wheel balancing:
While alignment of the car concerns the direction and angle of the wheel, balancing is more the stability of the tires. If the wheels of the cars are not perfectly balanced then the chance that they would roll smoothly decreases by a larger margin.
Even though it seems like an insignificant thing that the tires of the car have to be balanced-I mean why wouldn’t they be? They are made from the same material, right? They are not. Some tires are made from a rather thicker material than others, some are lighter and do not weigh a lot whereas some do. There are no two wheels that are the same. This difference can become more pronounced when one drives at a high speed.
Wheel balancing utilizes the technique where each tire of the car is spun together by special machinery that checks whether both tires are of the same weight or not. If there is a difference then the mechanic will add lead weights to the lighter area of the car through bonding cement. These weights can be added either to one concentrated area or in different places to balance it. If you’re looking for cars for the great value of money then visit our website and get a wide range of used cars Bahamas at economical prices.
Importance Of Wheel Balancing:
As we have discussed, the balance of a car is extremely important for a safer and smoother driving experience. You don’t want your car to head off on a highway or anywhere while you’re speeding. The balancing of a wheel greatly impacts the performance of the car by reducing vibrations and the wear on the tires.
The moment you feel vibrations in your car while you’re driving at a high speed, you should take your car to any mechanic you can to get the wheels balanced or aligned. There are a lot of car service centers that can immediately figure out what is wrong with the car and fix it with the right machinery or equipment.
Be cautious about the tears on the tires and vibration in steering wheels while you’re driving. If there’s none then you’re good to go but if there is then immediately seek repair so that your safety is not compromised.