Know About Top 5 Tips for Dealing with Exam Stress

Students are constantly facing exams, and their performance is highly dependent on them. When they are stressed, they tend to perform worse. The challenges of the exam season can be overwhelming for students, especially those who don’t have good habits of studying and planning. Stress is an unavoidable part of the college experience. 

Stress can affect students in different ways and make or break their academic progress. It can also have a negative impact on learning, memory, concentration, mood, sleep, and so on. This article aims to give students the support they need to overcome their stress. Here are five tips for dealing with exam stress: 

1, Relax

Exams are a part of your life. You have to study for them, prepare for them, and ensure that you do not fail on the first attempt. Therefore, it is not surprising that you get stressed out when you have to take an exam.

However, there are many ways to deal with this stress. One of them is to take a break from your work and relax before going back to it. For example, if your exam stress involves exam-related anxiety, you can try meditation techniques or learn relaxation techniques like yoga or tai chi. If you’re able to take a day or two off from studying, you can visit somewhere like Heaven & Earth (, where you can get relaxing massage therapies that can help clear your mind and relax your body. 

2. Do not be too pessimistic about the test

The most important thing to remember when you are taking an exam is that it tests your knowledge and skills. Therefore, it is not meant to be a fun activity for you. On the contrary, it is supposed to be stressful to make sure that you are prepared for the next step in your career.

However, it’s still important to remember that negative thinking can be harmful to your mind and body, affecting your memory, attention span, concentration, and mood. Fortunately, there are ways to work around it, for instance, changing the way you study, taking frequent breaks, doing mock exams, and more. 

3. Make sure you study for the exam from day 1

Studying from the very beginning of your course will make it easier for you to learn the concepts and avoid surprises on the day of your exam. In turn, this will help you to deal with your stress a lot better. However, it’s still vital that you don’t overstress yourself. This can lead to a buildup of stress and burnout, making it difficult to continue your studies. 

4. Take time away from studying to avoid burnout

The best thing you can do to avoid burnout is to take time off from studying. When you find yourself in a situation where you cannot study for a long duration of time, it is important that you take some time off from studying; it will help your brain and body recover from the stress of studying, and it will help you avoid stress-related disorders such as anxiety and depression.

5. Talk to someone about how you’re feeling

Exams will make everyone feel anxious, leading to stress, burnout, depression, and anxiety. One of the best ways to deal with what you’re feeling is to talk to someone about it. This could be a member of your peers, someone in your family, or an on-campus counselor. A cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat can do wonders to ease your worries around exams. Better yet, if you’re talking with other college students, you might find a study buddy who can motivate you and make studying more fun.