Mastering Your Short Game – Techniques Taught at Golf School

A great short game is essential for scoring well on the golf course. It requires skills such as technique, practice and club selection.
Golf lessons and attending a golf school are excellent ways to learn and perfect these techniques. Some practical tips include developing a pre-shot routine, using putting mirrors, and practicing chipping and pitching regularly.
Know Your Stance
A strong short game is one of the most important aspects of golf. It allows you to save shots and minimize three-putts. This requires a combination of technique, practice, and strategic course management.
Setting up your stance is the first step you should take while working on your short game at golf courses like Bird Golf Schools. It’s common for new golfers to swing the clubhead too far back, causing a steep angle of attack and less control. To fix this, try kicking your right knee towards the left as you make your backswing. This will help free up your body and make rotating the club at impact easier.
You should also check your ball position in your stance. If you’re using one, it should be a few inches forward of the alignment stick so that the low point of your chipping stroke occurs behind the ball.
Know Your Target
The best players can chip and pitch without fear of missing the green, which reduces tension around the greens and allows them to focus on more aggressive approach shots. This helps them shoot lower scores and improve their confidence around the greens.
When you practice your short game, try to look at the target rather than the ball. This will help you set up a natural body sequence and create energy like swinging a full golf club.
Another way to improve your targeting is to track your target focus before and after your rounds. Just like you keep track of greens in regulation, fairways hit, and driving distance, tracking your target focus will help you understand what needs to be addressed to improve.
Know Your Distance
Regardless of your handicap, you can always improve your short game. A good short game will eliminate many of your putts and give you a much more enjoyable golfing experience.
A great short game requires reading a green and knowing what kind of shot to hit. Depending on the conditions, a bump-n-run, flop shot, or a low spinner will all work.
Tracking your distances with a rangefinder or other tools and apps is also important. Doing so will help you become more accurate in chipping, pitching, bunker play and putting. This will allow you to take fewer risks on the course and minimize subtle misses. Getting your short game up to par will lead to lower scores.
Know Your Clubs
A strong short game is the key to consistently shooting lower scores. Regardless of your handicap, this is one area where you can improve the most.
Learn how to master putting, various chip shots, the hard pan shot, pitching and bunker shots in this comprehensive program. Whether you’re looking to dramatically improve your golf score or take the pain out of putting, this video is an essential resource!
The best golfers in the world use a variety of shots when approaching the green, and most of them have multiple types of chip shots. Professionals also understand that it takes more than a few good pitches and chips to be a great player. So practice your bump-n-run, flop, low spinner and blast chips to become a better short-game player!
Know Your Temp
Often, the difference between a good score and a bad one comes down to how well you can get up and down around the greens. This is why it’s so important to master your short game.
James Sieckmann has been teaching his unique method of short-game strategy for two decades, and his students have enjoyed remarkable results.
You, too, can improve your short game by learning how to hit the buried-ball bunker shot, downhill pitch, flop shot and low, checking spinner. By practicing these key shots regularly, you’ll find that scoring lower on any course becomes easier than ever. Practice safely at your local range or by setting up a sand trap in your backyard.