3 Exercises for Back Muscle Pain Relief

Exercises for Back Muscle Pain Relief

A staggering 80% of adults will experience back muscle pain at some point in their life. With so many suffering from this pain daily, what are the best ways to help with back muscle pain relief?

Exercising is a simple back muscle pain treatment to give a try. It’s free, after all, so it doesn’t hurt to implement these exercises and stretches into your daily routine to see if it alieves some pain. 

So continue reading for three exercises you can try this instant for back muscle pain relief!

1. Knee-to-Chest Stretch

The knee-to-chest stretch is a simple way to help with your lower back muscle pain.

First, lie down flat on your back, bend your knees, and keep both feet balanced on the floor. Next, place both hands behind your right knee and pull your knee toward your chest. 

Then, tighten your abdominal muscles and gently press your spine into the floor. Hold the position for several seconds. Finally, put your leg back down to the starting position. Repeat on the left side. 

You can do the exercises several times on each side to help stretch your gluteus and piriformis muscles in your butt to help alleviate lower back pain.

2. Cat Stretch

The cat stretch is a classic exercise for treating muscle pain. Here’s how to do it.

First, get down on the floor on your hands and knees. Next, slowly arch your back by pulling your stomach (abdomen) up toward the ceiling, like how a cat arches its back.

Hold the position for a few seconds, then slowly release and let your stomach move toward the floor, creating a dip in your back. Again, hold the position for a few seconds, then slowly move toward the arched position. 

Repeat the cycle several times to help relieve tension in your back.

3. Lower Back Rotational Stretch

A rotational stretch can be another great way to help relieve back pain. There are two ways to do this exercise. 

The first is seated. Cross your left leg over your right leg. Set your right elbow on the outside of your left knee, and twist to the left. Hold the position for ten seconds. 

Then switch sides. Cross your right leg over your left and set your left elbow on the outside of your right knee. Twist to the right and hold. 

The second method is on the floor. Lie down and bend your knees. Keep your feet balanced on the floor. Next, roll your bent knees to one side while keeping your shoulders on the floor. Hold the position for ten seconds before returning to the starting position. Then, roll your knees to the opposite side and hold. 

You can repeat the stretch several times on each side throughout the day for a full back stretch. 

Exercises for Back Muscle Pain Relief

While these three exercises are great for back muscle pain relief, there are plenty of others you can try. If exercising doesn’t work, it may be time to consider other muscle pain treatments, so speak with your doctor. 

For more tips and tricks for a healthy and pain-free life, explore the rest of the blog.