How to Easily Activate Norton antivirus

Be aware socializing
I have always doubted how will people be if the entire social media has disappeared? But I am pretty sure that people may not be able to connect as they did on social media. There are billions of people using social media on a daily basis. Not only to connect, chat and find new friends, but there are many carrying serious threats as well.
About 2,70,000+ cyber crimes are reported as on 2017. So taking care of yourself on social media is essential. Some ways through which cyber crimes take place on social media are as follows,
Photo morphing
Photo morphing has become the greatest threat. The hackers make use of such photos for their personal gains. They might end up blackmailing you or upload your photos on sexual sites. We cannot stop things like that from happening. But we can be cautious.
Facebook, Instagram, and other social media sites have a lot of strong settings. So activate them and avoid accepting invitations from unknown accounts.
Shopping cheats
A lot of people fall for shopping, offer and discount tricks easily. Some may go to the extent of giving details regarding credit card and other bank details. Though the offer seems to be true, do your part of the research. Think practically rather than falling for stupid discounts. Scan through the companies official sites and Facebook pages. Also, get to the payment only when you are fully aware who the company is.
Information theft
A lot of big companies are tightening their security because of this. The development of technology has also developed the chance of hacking information and other details. However, there are numerous companies like Norton activation UK and apps like Dashlane which have reduced the happenings.
But it is unbelievable that only 38% of the companies around the world are ready to tackle information breaches. Be careful while sharing passwords and other sensitive information over online. However, people like Trishneet Arora and a list of other professional hackers provide you safety against it.
Romantic site thefts
Once you enter these sites the hackers try to communicate to you. They may send you gifts and chat like they really love you. In this way, they may collect all your personal details. These cases can go to the extent of blackmailing and other serious happenings also. In such a situation, it is better to trust your instincts. Never get close to anyone before you are fully aware of him or her.
Hacking attacks
They might hack your profile or details via internet or wifi connections. You might also experience virus attacks. It is important that you take care while using public hotspots in restaurants or hotels. Also get your data encrypted.
You can also refer to websites like Norton activation for more safety tips. Despite all the above, there are chances that you might get caught in one of such situation. In cases like that, it is advisable to inform the cop right away. Maintaining privacy and safety on social media is important. Be it a big firm or small firm crimes might happen. But the way we react and deal with them matters a lot of matters.