5 Lesser-Known Facts about Web Design
The advancement in technology has certainly made it easier for everyone to make a website. There are numerous platforms and tools available that can be used to create a visually appealing website. However, to bring the professional touch and finesse to it, it’s imperative that you hire a certified and professional web designer. uCertify offers CIW Web Design Specialist Course that will help you gain knowledge about web designing in deep.
Having said that, a lot of people believe that they can now create a website on their own for their business. This is a mistake you shouldn’t make as designing a website is much more than merely selecting a theme and dragging and dropping elements. There is much more to do. Furthermore, there are numerous other facts that one should be aware of before they embark on this task of designing a website.
Some of them will be discussed in the article. Continue reading to know more:
There’s More than Downloading Templates
Many people are of the view that templates help in creating a website rather conveniently and quickly. This is true to a certain extent. However, there are some limitations attached to this method of designing and creating a website as well. Furthermore, there’s a lack of the element of customisation.
Another major downside of using templates is that you have no idea about the code running behind them. Therefore, the website may not be able to perform to your expectations. This leads to limitations with regards to functionality as well. Even if you have an understanding of the basic level of coding, you wouldn’t be able to change the code easily. Trying and failing can result in an unorganized and cluttered design. This wouldn’t paint a very bright picture of your brand.
Adaptability is Key
This relates to how your website is viewed and used on different browsers. People, in today’s times, have abundant options when it comes to the use of browsers to surf the internet. The problem here is that each website reads the code of your website and translates it in a different manner. So, there are high chances that your website looks different on different browsers. Apart from the visual impact, there can be differences among its functionality as well. For instance, a particular function of your website may work perfectly on Chrome but doesn’t work at all on Safari or Opera.
This is where the services of professional web designers and developers come in handy. They utilize their experience and expertise and test the website on different browsers to ensure it runs smoothly for every internet user.
A Responsive Design is a Must
Most people now use their handheld devices to surf the internet. So, it makes complete sense why your website shouldn’t have a responsive design.
For the uninitiated, a responsive design allows users to access a website from any design. There would be no disparity in its function and design.
If your website doesn’t feature a responsive design, you are guaranteed to miss out on a lot of leads. No one, even your regular customers, wouldn’t take the pains of opening their laptops to buy your products and/or services. They will not take a long time to find a substitute. This clearly illustrates the importance of having a responsive web design.
Speed Matters!
Every internet user can testify to the fact that the speed of a website matters. No one would like to spend minutes waiting for the page of a website to load when they have abundant other options at their disposal.
In this age of intense competition, poor performance in terms of the speed of your website can greatly hamper the performance of your website. The bounce rate will increase and consequently, leads will decrease. Even if you are spending a huge amount on marketing and SEO services, you wouldn’t get the desired results as the impressions and visitors wouldn’t convert into leads.
So, the need of the hour is to pay attention to the time it takes for your website to load on different browsers. You need it to be in the lowest possible range. For this, avoid using animations and try to use compressed images. They load quickly.
Appropriate and Captivating Graphics are Essential
It is no longer an optional thing to have captivating multiple (images and videos). If you want to grab the attention of your audience in the first few seconds and make them stay on your website, you can’t do it without having engaging images and video.
The graphics available on your website must be informative and engaging at the same time. They should be relevant and valuable for the user as well. The user should feel compelled to take any action after viewing them.
Also, make sure the quality of multimedia is up to the mark. It should be perfectly optimized for your website so that the speed and other elements are not compromised.