Sustainable Shipping Practices: Environmentally Friendly Options for Korea to USA Cargo
Ocean freight is a cost-effective and Eco-friendly maritime option for shipping from Korea to the USA and many other routes. However, the maritime shipping sector is among the highest polluters in the world. It is responsible for up to 20% of the world’s CO2 emissions.
The matter is that up to 80% of the world’s trade is transported by ships. So, businesses and consumers should embrace the most effective shipping practices to reduce CO2 output.
Use Eco-Friendly Packaging
First, consider using eco-friendly and biodegradable packaging that is easy to recycle. Avoid mixed-material packaging and single-use plastics. Instead, use corrugated boxes and highly recyclable plastics like HDPE and PET.
Reduce the Size of Packaging
Vacuum sealing is your friend, as it allows you to reduce the size of the product or, if you are shipping perishable food items, increase their shelf life. For instance, if you ship mattresses, blankets, and other soft materials, vacuum bags are a no-brainer. Of course, traditional vacuum bags are made of plastic, which will only exacerbate the existing problem. Luckily, plenty of sustainable vacuum bag producers use biodegradable materials.
Ship Items in Bulk
Instead of shipping your products individually, transport them in large quantities in a limited number of containers. It takes some planning, but this sustainable option reduces the number of ship trips.
Look for Alternative Shipping Lines
Not all shipping companies are the same, as some offer more sustainable and eco-friendly shipping options. Look for alternatives, and be sure to check out for more details.
Embrace Carbon Offsetting
Carbon offsetting is an effective practice that allows businesses and consumers to compensate for their emissions. In essence, you attempt to reduce CO2 emissions by investing in projects like woodland creation, waste management, etc. Try to buy from businesses that offer these options.
Shipping shouldn’t wreak havoc on the environment. By embracing Eco-friendly and sustainable options, you will reduce CO2 output and help build a better future.