Garage Door Repair – DIY Vs. Hiring a Professional

Garage Door Repair

Whether it’s balancing on a roof or manipulating 250-pound garage door springs, certain home renovation projects can put homeowners in physical danger. So, weighing the pros and cons before going the DIY route is important.

Hiring a professional is the best way to ensure the job is done correctly. This article will cover a few key points to consider when making your decision.


Homeowners can save money by hiring a professional to perform simple tasks. They can also avoid costly mistakes that might lead to additional expenses by performing routine inspections and addressing any problems as soon as they are observed.

For example, a garage door that starts opening and closing poses a safety risk and should be fixed immediately. This might be caused by a wiring issue, misaligned sensors or broken springs. Some of these issues may be easily solved, while others require more complex solutions.

A garage door repair can be expensive, but homeowners can reduce the costs by getting multiple quotes from reputable companies. They can also ask their friends and family members about their experiences with a particular company to understand what to expect. It is also advisable to hire an insured company, as this will protect the homeowner from liability in the event of an accident or damage.


Hiring a professional Puyallup garage door repair instead of DIY has many benefits. These professionals are licensed, skilled experts with the right tools to do the job properly and safely. They also carry liability insurance to protect you against any accidents or damages that may occur during the repair process.

Aside from being skilled, they can help you save time and money in the long run by repairing your garage door correctly the first time. This will prevent you from having to pay for expensive repairs later on. In addition, they can offer you advice on how to maintain your garage door and extend its life span.

This Puyallup-based company specializes in providing residential, commercial and industrial garage doors. Its services include installation, replacement and repairs. Its technicians can fix various issues, including broken hinges, worn springs and openers. They can also repair a wide range of other components.


Professional garage door technicians are on call 24/7, so you can schedule an appointment anytime, day or night. In addition, their work is backed by warranties and insurance. This gives you peace of mind that they will fix it for free if something goes wrong during the repair process.

Moreover, professionals have years of experience and undergo rigorous training. This enables them to identify and solve problems faster. In addition, they have the right tools and machinery for the job. In comparison, if you attempt a DIY repair, you may have to spend a lot of time searching for the problem and trying different tactics.

Hiring a professional is the best choice if you want to get the most out of your garage door. These specialists can help you select a model that fits your home and budget and provide preventive maintenance services to reduce the frequency of repairs.


Regardless of how many guides you read or videos you watch, there is no way that you can match the level of expertise that a professional has. You will likely damage your garage door even more if you attempt to perform a DIY repair.

These doors are heavy and operate under significant tension. Mishandling them can cause severe injuries if the springs break. You may not be covered under your home insurance policy if you hurt yourself. Fortunately, most professional garage door repair companies are insured in case of accidents or damages.

Many new garage doors come with warranties that cover repairs and replacements for a specified time frame. Trying a DIY repair will void the warranty. This can lead to additional expenses later on if you need a professional to fix your mistakes. A professional can diagnose and resolve issues quickly and get your garage door back in working order without extra costs.