4 Tips for Picking the Perfect Domain Name For Your Health and Wellness Business

Domain Name For Wellness Business

Image courtesy of Unsplash

It doesn’t matter how amazing the mental health app or personal training service you’ve created is. A successful health and wellness business needs a great website and a solid online presence. And what’s the start of a great website? 

The perfect domain name of course!

You should start looking at domain names for your health and wellness startup when you’re choosing a name and a brand essence. For one thing, you want to make sure no one already has the name you’re thinking of. On top of that, though, you should aim for a premium domain name. Something that’s memorable, simple, and easy for your cadre of new fans to remember and share with their friends. 

Here’s how to go about pinning down the perfect domain name for your new venture. 

1. Personalize Your Domain Name

As I already mentioned, you should choose a domain name that is as closely related to your brand name and brand as possible. You may not be able to get a perfect match, but it’s entirely possible to do so if you’re clever with your domain extensions.

You’ll build brand loyalty far more quickly with a memorable domain name, especially if it at least includes your company name. Start with coming up with a brilliant wellness business name, maybe using a reputable business name generator, and build the domain from there. Start thinking about it as early as possible, though, or your healthy meal delivery service might be beaten to the starting line by someone else who had the same idea and grabbed the best domain names before you.  

2. Pick a Short and Sweet Domain Name

Your domain name needs to be easy to say, spell, remember, and pass on. ‘People buy from people’ is a phrase in the marketing industry for a reason – if your friend recommends an online wellness class or a healthy recipe site, you’re likely to use it. If you can remember the domain name that is! 

People can generally keep around 10-12 character long words in their working memory. This means that’s the optimal length for both your brand name and corresponding domain name. A little longer is fine, especially as Google is an easily accessible tool these days, but don’t be that brand with a 30-character unpronounceable domain name! If you fall into that trap, you’ll be short of customers no matter how amazing your health and wellness product is.

3. Try for a Top Level Domain Extension

Top level domain extensions, also known as TLDs, include ‘.com,’ ‘.org,’ and ‘.net’. Most popular, trustworthy web pages will have one of these extensions. There are a ton more options out there now – with options up 145% according to the Domain Name Association – but .com still reigns supreme.

Your potential customers will be more likely to both remember your domain name and trust your brand if you can secure a TLD, but it’s not the end of the world if you can’t. Other solid options include local domain extensions like .ir or .co.uk or something industry relevant like .health. That being said, you can find business names for sale and TLDs for sale through a reputable naming site. 

4. Be Careful With Keywords

Sticking industry-specific keywords into your domain name might seem like an easy way to get traffic. While SEO is important on your site, though, it can really mess up a domain name. Remember you need to keep things short, to the point, and relevant to your brand and brand name. Can you do that while also incorporating keywords into the actual domain name?

If the answer is yes, go for it. But do think carefully! You don’t want to seem scammy or desperate. It could really damage your brand, driving away your core customer base.

Get Moving on the Perfect Domain Name

Choosing a domain name can be tough, but the sooner you get started the better! Just like exercising or eating healthy (which I’m sure you know all about as a health and wellness business owner) it’s the first few steps that are always the most tricky. Go on, get moving, pin that health and wellness domain name down ASAP and take the industry by storm!