Teambuilding games for workplace

All work no play makes Jack a dull boy. Spending hours working at a spot can be tiring and comes with other defects in productivity. To fix this, it’s imperative to refresh and have some nice time out. This not only lessens the burden of work on your shoulders, but it makes you more productive over time. However, the importance of teambuilding activities could be maximized in any workplace. Instead of having individual breaks and refreshments, everyone can come together and play as a team. If there are different team building activities for teens, you can also find ideas for company employees.

Some team building activities you can employ for your workplace includes;

  •         Icebreakers – funny games for teaming up
  •         Activities to create a successful team
  •         Energetic games
  •         Activities GTKEO (Get to know each other).

Some ideas for team building game for workplace

Cloth of FriendshipTo play this game, everyone should learn to be impersonal and exterminate every form of sentiment for the few minutes you’ll be playing. Not only does this game foster communication and appraisal, but it allows you to know what people think about you and the behavior you exhibit inside out.

In this idea, I can also suggest the game two truths and a lie ideas that is an icebreaker and you can learn more about the team or the people you are in contact.

Materials needed: a ball of thread

Time: 10-20 minutes

How the play: Everyone should sit in a circle and maintain the chain. One of a teammate is going to take the throw up the tread and see whose side it’ll land at. Now you’ll give basic data about the person who now has the ball. Data includes Name, character, and dreams.

Negotiation GameThis game is just so perfect for any workplace. Two persons in the team will have to negotiate over a $2 bait. The idea is to know how creative you can be in influencing real-life problems and striking a deal. To get the best of this game, you’ll have to focus mainly on your needs while working with a scale of preference.

Materials needed: A dollar bill ($1-$5)

Time: 10-20 minutes

How to Play: Divide the team into three different groups. Each group should be two bills, and they have less than 5 minutes to decide who will hold the bills among the 3 of them. You could negotiate of the vote on whom will be having the bill. Either way, each you have a maximum of 5 minutes or the bill will be retrieved.

It’s important to note that the points raised during the negotiation should be concrete. At the end of the game, they’ll have to explain what happened at their various groups.

Examples of questions you can ask at the end of the game.

–          Which strategies have you implemented or used during the negotiation? Which of these were the ones more useful?

–          During the negotiations, did you all rely on the ‘majority rule’? Why do or why not?

 Who Am I GameJust as you can identify your friends’ name, mention qualities and a lot about their personalities, you’re going to do the same for stars, monuments, traits and anything you can think of.

Materials needed: Pieces of paper, glue, scissors.

Times: 10-20 minutes

How to Play: In this activity Who Am I Game each player will receive a tag that has a well-known name, an object, another character, or even qualities. The tags can be prepared in advance by the organizer or purchased. The tag sticks to this forehead because the person holding it does not need to know who it is. Once the tag has passed, you’ll ask some yes or no that concern it. The players should answer questions with yes or no. No other response is accepted.

Example questions:

-Am I a singer?

-Is it in the US?

-Are they 40 years old? Etc.

Of course, one can put and limit the person asking questions to figure out who he is.