Instagram Launches Branded Content Ads.

Branded Content AdsWhat are they and how are they used?

The ads with branded content are coming to Instagram. What are they for and what benefits will they give to companies and users?

Instagram launches ads with branded content (branded content ads) and aims directly at supporting the relationship between influences and companies, creating for themselves a new source of income.

Indeed, Instagram is the most used social network to influence marketing. Companies that aim for brand awareness are now constantly trying to establish positive relationships with the most influential users by asking them to talk about their products or the brand. In this way they know they can reach their audience more directly and with greater credibility, using influences as Trojans on which to load the weight of their marketing communication.

For this reason, the Instagram team has developed a new implementation concerning advertising, aimed precisely at pushing influence marketing actions. In particular, it will now be possible for a company to use a post created by any user as content for its own advertising campaign.

What branded content ads are and how they work?

Let’s talk about branded content ads, that is, ads with branded content. It works like this: the company contacts an influence and asks to publish a post about their product or brand. Then he can take the content of the influence and insert it as the content of an advertising campaign, which will be displayed in the Instagram feed and will have the marking “Partnership advertised with” and the name of the company that created the advertisement.

The dissemination of these posts will obviously no longer be linked to the influence’s personal audience, but will be viewed by the target audience defined in the advertising campaign.

Specifically, the company can choose to orient the post on various objectives: reach (coverage), brand awareness (brand awareness), video views (video views), traffic (traffic), and engagement (interaction). Once the campaign starts it will be possible to view all the statistics and reports typical of each Instagram advertising.

This new type of advertising will initially concern feed posts, then soon it will also be extended to Stories.

However, not all posts can be sponsored by a brand. For this to happen, the user who created the post must first tag the brand that will likely decide to sponsor the post. Subsequently, in the profile settings, he must authorize partner companies to promote his posts.

In this way, it can also be verified that an influence who arbitrarily decides to push a company’s product can tag the brand independently. As a result, he may hope that the company’s corporate social media marketer will opt to put the post in sponsorship. Obviously, in this way the influence will not have a direct economic remuneration but will obtain a further increase in notoriety and prestige, making it more likely that in the future other brands or the same that have decided to sponsor him will be interested in his posts. If he doesn’t make money in the first place, he will have more opportunities to be selected by other brands in the future.

In addition, the influence will receive a number of new followers who will increase his fan base, making his online communication more and more effective.

More details on how to create and manage this type of advertising can be found on the page created by Instagram on ads with branded content.

The benefits of branded content ads

What will be the effects of this new advertising opportunity in the visual social network par excellence? It can be expected that it will be a very appreciated feature and capable of giving further vitality to what at the moment can be considered the most growing and least prone to setbacks social platform.

Companies will be able to use this type of advertisement to increase the value and effectiveness of their communication, enhancing the effects of social proof linked to the support obtained from influences.

In turn, influences, especially the most prominent ones, will have another opportunity to be contacted by brands and receive economic proposals in exchange for offering their testimonials in favor of brands and products.

And what are the advantages of Instagram?

Currently, it is one of the driving forces of the Melon Park galaxy and for Beiderbecke and his companions, it is essential to transform into business models all the trends that develop naturally starting from the actions of users. If the influences have so far made a profit on Instagram without the platform being able to intercept the economic flow that passed between them and the companies, this new form of advertising aims precisely to allow the management of the social network to absorb a share of the revenues from influence marketing in Buy real Instagram followers UK.

From every point of view, it is to be believed that branded content ads will be highly regarded and will usher in a new way for brands to leverage Instagram.

Do you want to better understand how to create and manage advertising in Instagram to increase the sales of your company and have more visibility? The solution is to learn how to use the Facebook Business Manager, the tool to create and manage advertising campaigns on both Facebook and Instagram.

To learn and apply the most valid methods of communication and marketing in Instagram, we recommend two books.

  • The first exposes all the most valid tools and operations to achieve results with social media marketing on Instagram.

Instagram Marketing: Alfie Lopez’s definitive guide to digital marketing on Instagram.

  • The second presents the most effective strategies to find new customers, the ways of creating advertising campaigns on Instagram that bring the best results, and the communication techniques of the most popular influences.

Instagram strategy.

If you want assistance in creating marketing and advertising campaigns on Instagram, please contact us. We will put our expertise at your service and help you develop your business.