Dental Implant Bridges v/s Dentures

Whenever you have lost any of your teeth it may cause practical problems, such as making it harder to chew, as well as causing confidence issues, making you feel self-conscious when talking or smiling.

It is for these reasons that many people like to find a solution, but using a variety of options, such as dental implant bridges and dentures available, it can be hard deciding which is best for you.

What is Dental Implant Bridge?

Many people confused in What are Dental implant or What are Dental implant Bridge? Here we Discuss it : A dental implant bridge is very much like a traditional bridge in that all the teeth on the bridge are in a row and they look and act like your natural teeth no matter how the difference having a dental implant bridge is really they are secured on to dental porcelain implants (either screw retained or cemented) and they fill the space whether you are missing three teeth or longer and won’t affect any of your other all-natural teeth.

Reasons why Dental Implant Bridges are a Much Better Option than Dentures

Stability Safety, Strength –

Since a dental implant bridge is supported by titanium dental implants (titanium screws which go below your gum line and also act like an anchor for the rest of the teeth to be fitted on) once the implant bridge is fitted into position it will produce the dental implant bridge so much stronger and stable so that unlike a denture it won’t move around in your mouth. You have the security in knowing because the dental implant bridge is so secure it won’t fall out of your mouth as the denture can perform and can do in the most inconvenient of times. A dental implant bridge can only be removed by a dentist.

Feel natural

Should you want to have something to replace lost teeth, you would like it to feel natural so you can forget it is there and resume eating, talking, and smiling like you always have done.

A dental implant bridge is far superior to dentures for this reason, as dentures may proceed or dislodge, and they often feel uncomfortable and require a while to become accustomed to, which dental implant bridges don’t.


As time goes by you will experience having some changes on your mouth however unlike a denture which over time might become mobile (go around in your mouth) a dental implant bridge will stay secure and can last you a life time as long as it is well preserved.

Easy to maintain

The manner that dentures are designed means that they need replacing every five to seven decades, which, once more, will not help you forget that you have lost teeth.

They also require some additional cleaning to normal teeth, so can be a bit of a nuisance if you’re trying to find a very simple remedy.

A dental implant bridge could endure for a lifetime if it’s taken care of, and all you want to do is look after it like you do your own natural teeth by brushing them twice each day and cleaning effectively between your teeth.


If a patient has been using a denture for a long period of time they may realize they undergo some bone loss that will alter the shape of their gums which will cause the motion of a denture, which might lead to the only solution that the individual will require dental implants in order for them to possess their smile and chewing capability back therefore going for a dental implant bridge to replace those missing teeth may seem like the pricey option nonetheless in the future you may discover it is not simply financially the best alternative but may also entail less treatment and won’t impact on the rest of the individual’s mouth.

Dental implant bridges can provide you back not only your gum capacity but unlike dentures which can affect your address dental implant bridges can provide you back your confidence so that you won’t ever say No to those social events again.


Here at the Marylebone Implant Centre we have over 98% success rate using all our dental implant bridges and think they’re truly the best alternative for dental treatment for long-term reliability to the patient so if you’ve got a few missing teeth or have several dental implant bridges can give you the reliability to work daily as they appear and act as your natural teeth could do.

Prevent further deterioration

A dental implant bridge may prevent further deterioration of the jawbone since it is made from titanium, which can be both strong and durable.

Unfortunately, dentures do not give the same advantage, and won’t protect your jawbone in the same manner as a dental implant bridge.We hope that these advantages have helped you to determine the way dental implant bridges are far better than dentures, and would be happy to answer any questions you have about the procedure that we offer. Just contact Ekdantam Dental Clinic and we’d really like to help.