Clean Your Wool Mattress Topper Easily with this Guide

While selecting the components of our bedding such as a mattress, wool mattress toppers, sheets, etc., we ensure that they feel comfortable and clean to sleep. The feeling of sleeping on a fresh clean, comfortable, and natural mattress after a day of hard work is pure heaven. The last thing you would want in such a scenario is an unclean, dirty mattress. All the spots, fluid, pet hair, and stains that go into your mattress lead to the formation of allergens and can lead to uncomfortable sleep at night. It additionally these elements invite bacterial infiltration, dust mites, and bad odor.

Hence, in this article, we will discuss how to keep your wool mattress topper clean.

4 Steps to Keeping Wool Mattress Topper Clean

1. Unmake Your Bed

Most of us have a habit of making our beds every single day. To keep your chemical free, organic, and natural wool mattress fresh, it is essential to it some of the days. Remove your sheets, comforter, and blankets and let your wool mattress topper breathe in sunlight. Allow the moisture, body odor, and other allergens to escape from your mattress.

2. Mattress Protector

We all know how spilling accidents can reduce the efficiency and comfort of our mattress. For example, spilled milk will not only leave excess moisture in your wool mattress topper but also it will start stinking with a bad, pungent odor.

A mattress protector will make your wool mattress topper spill-proof. For additional protection, you can purchase a mattress protector that has natural anti-microbial or anti-bacterial properties such as a bamboo protector.

3. Flip and Fold

Flipping and folding allow you to get rid of the moisture and allergens. Although wool is naturally resistant to mildew and mild, prolonged exposure to dampness and allergens can leave room for mold formation. Hence, flip and fold your wool mattress topper quarterly or monthly.

Just flip the whole mattress and leave it without covers for a while. Or you can flip it in half like a taco and then rotate to expose the other side to air.

4. Air Out

One of the best methods to remove dirt, odor, and moisture is to leave it in the open air and under direct sunlight. Remove the comforter and other bedding essentials from the wool mattress topper and open the window. Let the sunshine do its work. This will increase the life of your mattress topper by a few years.

Sunlight is a natural disinfectant and bleach. If you can leave your mattress topper in the open sun for 2 to 3 hours, you won’t have to disinfect or deodorize it with artificial materials. Your bedding will naturally stay fresh and clean after sun exposure.

Wool Mattress Topper Care Tips

1. Rotate

Do not just keep using only one side of the mattress topper. Rotate it as often as you remove your bedding. Whenever you change your sheets or replace the old bedding with a fresh one, you should flip the mattress topper as well as the mattress to the other side.

2. Protect

Protect your mattress from dirt and allergen by regularly cleaning it with a vacuum cleaner or using a mattress protector. Removable mattress covers to ensure that spills and stains don’t seep into your mattress topper.

Dos and Don’ts for Wool Mattress Toppers


  • Prefer using a flatbed frame so that the structure of your mattress holds in place. Non-flat surfaces can instead increase sagging of your wool mattress topper.
  • If you are using a protective cover, consider buying a  washable one. It is easier to remove the cover and wash it for cleaning it rather than using a dry cleaning or other cleaning methods.
  • If in case the spilled liquid or stain reaches the mattress, use a clean cloth to absorb the moisture and then use a wet towel to remove the stain. Using hard cleaning methods on the topper or mattress can leave moisture, which can lead to bad odor, mold, and mildew.
  • If you are cleaning or washing the wool mattress topper thoroughly, then use warm water and mild soap to avoid damaging its quality. Blow dry your mattress topper regularly if you can’t put it out in the sun often.


  • Don’t use the washing machine to clean your mattress topper.
  • Don’t put water, warm water, or liquid soap directly on your mattress topper.
  • If your mattress topper is exposed to bugs, mildew, mold, or dust mites, don’t keep sleeping on it. Consider replacing it instead.


A clean, fresh, and odorless wool mattress topper ensures sound sleep.

Would you be able to sleep if your mattress has a pungent odor?

Even the presence of allergens on the mattress can lead to coughing and sneezing in the night along with severe discomfort. Hence, utilize above tips to keep your mattress topper clean and free from moisture and allergens.


Meta-Description: An uncleaned wool mattress topper invites dust-mites, mold, and mildew. To keep your topper clean and healthy, refer the following stepwise guide.
